A step to recovery for this Food addict
Obese, fat, no hope for you, a disgrace, immature withno self-discipline – these were words and phrases that I was called by healthprofessionals. Pig, fatty, oink-oink, elephant, not welcome,hippopotamus, bus, does not belong here – these were words and phrases that Iwas called by peers and colleagues ever since school. With dismayed looks, […]
Living with an eating disorder and other disabilities.
“Compulsive overeating is a permanent disability. We do not look forward to becoming normal eaters at some point in the future. Until we accept the fact that our illness is irreversible, we do not learn how to control it.” Quoted from the app Food for Thought. Quoted from the app Food for Thought. My disability […]
Is it okay not to know?
Life remains a mystery. My emotions are seemingly an even greater mystery. I’ve just returned from time away with my fiancé, and coming back home, feels like the heaviness was waiting for me at the door. I didn’t want to take it up, but here I lie trying to sleep yet failing dismally. I feel […]
Half Full versus Half Empty
Have you ever had those whispers telling you that you will never amount to anything? Or that the world is a much better place without you? Sometimes I feel like that. I don’t feel as if I deserve my qualification, […]
Facing reality
If you’ve been following my journey, you’d know that I am a medical intern in South Africa. Working in a health system that’s so overloaded is incredibly strenuous, but more so when you come in with impairments you have no control over. I was diagnosed with seronegative rheumatoid arthritis a little over a year ago […]
To talk or not to talk
To talk or not to talk I’ve never liked to talk about the deep stuff – the kinds of things that make me feel uncomfortable, the things I’d rather not think about. So I’ve developed an ability to avoid it all. This ability has extended beyond conversation alone. I found that I could avoid the […]
My journey with the drugs of psychiatry

“Maybe I really could push through without them and employ the famous ‘mind over matter strategy’ and to ‘just be more positive’.
Please, don’t do that to yourself. You deserve better – and I’m saying that as someone who has been down that road and heard it all before.”
Introducing Shirley
Welcome to our FIRST personal blogger. I’d like to take a moment to introduce you all to Shirley. Shirley is like many of you, a young woman who is just trying to figure out life in the midst of some messed up thought patterns, physical pain and mental anguish. Given the option to remain anonymous […]