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Mental health support for Ukraine

There have been many ways in which the world has responded to the war raging in the Ukraine. Those helping have been kind and generous in the material needs of those fleeing and fighting.

However, the mental health of everyone involved in the war seems to have been put to the back.

We at PHS have joined with Therapyroute to provide free counselling help to any Ukrainian in need. Please have a look at their website. They have information, articles and ideas to help.

As a Namibian my heart goes out to the students who are and were stuck in the Ukrain and I will offer counselling to them as well.

In this time do not forget that families are living in terror for loved ones they cannot get to, or cannot get out of the Ukraine. We are living through a time when people are standing up for their countries, their beliefs and their love of others.

There are ways that you can help if you have friends that are dealing with the trauma of losing their homes, families, memories and their country.

Listen to them, do not give your opinion, just listen.

Check in on their mental health.

Understand if they need time alone, are saying no to invitations and are isolating.

Love them, support them.

Who is eligible?

This free therapy offer applies to all people directly affected by the war in Ukraine, no matter your race, nationality, gender, sexuality, political affiliation, or religion. You do not need to be in Ukraine to use this service.

Some examples of people that these therapists have in mind to help include:-

– Displaced people

– People dealing with trauma, grief, and loss

– Those in need of practical coping skills and guidance

– Volunteers seeking supervision, debriefing, and emotional support

– People in need of support; either to help them cope or to help others cope

– Anyone affected who might benefit from speaking to a professional

Thank you TherapyRoute

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